June 14, 2013
Experts leading a major three-year trial into the impact of electric vehicles and the role they could play in our transport systems of the future,…
June 14, 2013
Public transport solutions provider Xerox has been successful in winning orders for its ticketing systems, most recently in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia…
June 14, 2013
Technology developed by Melbourne’s La Trobe University’s Centre for Technology Infusion that aims to reduce or even eliminate accidents at railway…
June 14, 2013
ITS Japan will use advances in the country’s ITS capabilities since it last hosted the event in 2004 as the basis of several showcases and sessions…
June 13, 2013
A new report from ABI research concludes that global vehicle to vehicle (V2V) penetration into new vehicles will increase from just over 10 per cent…
June 13, 2013
San Francisco County Transportation Authority (SFCTA) is considering implementing congestion charging in an effort to alleviate the rush hour…
June 13, 2013
A trial using wireless communications technology to deliver real-time traffic information has been launched by New Zealand’s Ministry of Transport…
June 13, 2013
According to the RAC’s 2013 Report on Motoring, the condition of the UK’s motorways and local roads, characterised by the now year-round problem of…
June 13, 2013
Toll and transit authorities in Tampa, Florida, are to jointly propose a first bus/toll lanes (BTL) project for the region this autumn. Tampa…
June 12, 2013
Transport plans have been set out by London Mayor Boris Johnson. Crossrail 2 is at the centre of the plans, providing a link between north and south…