November 27, 2013
Congestion on some of Liverpool’s busiest roads is set to be eased, thanks to US$29 million improvement works. Transport Minister Baroness Kramer…
November 26, 2013
Brazil's federal government will provide US$913 million for eight public transport projects in the cities of Fortaleza and Caucaia in Ceará state.…
November 26, 2013
China’s fifth annual Future Challenge earlier this month pitted eleven unmanned intelligent vehicles against each other on a course designed to test…
November 26, 2013
US transportation secretary Anthony Foxx has announced a Transportation Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan for US$275 million to…
November 26, 2013
Last month’s Economic Development Vitality Initiative forum, co-sponsored by IBM, identified strong infrastructure, including intelligent…
November 26, 2013
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) solutions provider Open Roads Consulting is to deploy its automotive incident response module for West…
November 26, 2013
The latest multi-function inductive loop vehicle detectors from intelligent transportation systems supplier Reno A&E are designed to reliably…
November 25, 2013
Canadian company STI-Tassimco has developed the STS-22 to enable traffic authorities to easily synchronise all its traffic controllers. Featuring a…
November 25, 2013
A partnership between UK payment and ticketing solutions provider Parkeon and Cloud Amber is about to deliver real time passenger information (RTPI)…
November 25, 2013
The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) says it is providing US$50 million grant to help Haiti improve the efficiency and safety of its road…