September 18, 2019
Business life may be about to get trickier for transportation network companies following the passing of a new law in California which aims to give…
September 17, 2019
Swedish telematics company TelliQ has acquired part of GPS tech firm Axtech in a move which it says increases its customer base by 20%.
September 17, 2019
StreetLight Data is making annual average hourly traffic (AAHT) counts and monthly annual daily traffic (MADT) counts available to transportation…
September 17, 2019
Ertico – ITS Europe has announced it is to hold the first-ever Central Eastern European Congress next year. Hosted by the city of Kazan, in south-…
September 17, 2019
The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) has updated a guide which it says helps US cities regulate and manage micromobility…
September 16, 2019
A connected vehicle project in the US state of Wyoming has developed an open-source application to allow third parties to monitor safety along the I-…
September 16, 2019
Volocopter has raised €50 million to help commercially launch its VoloCity air taxi within the next few years. Automotive company Zhejiang Geely…
September 16, 2019
BlackBerry has extended its agreement with Jaguar Land Rover to provide artificial intelligence and machine learning technology for the automakers…
September 16, 2019
A connected vehicle project in the US state of Wyoming has developed an open-source application to allow third parties to monitor safety along the I-…
September 16, 2019
Nearly 50% of all car trips in the most congested US metropolitan areas are less than three miles and could be replaced by micromobility services,…