August 30, 2019
The ITS Asia Pacific (AP) Forum 2020 is accepting entries on the theme of ‘ITS Innovation Creating Liveable Communities’ until 6 September. The…
August 30, 2019
The ITS Asia Pacific (AP) Forum 2020 is accepting entries on the theme of ‘ITS Innovation Creating Liveable Communities’ until 6 September. The…
August 30, 2019
The San Diego Association of Governments (Sandag) has opened a laboratory with the aim of developing a fully integrated transportation system in the…
August 30, 2019
Volocopter has unveiled VoloCity, an on-demand air taxi for cities which it claims has a calculated range of 35km and airspeed of 110 km/h. Florian…
August 30, 2019
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $199 million loan to help develop traffic management systems in the Chinese city of Gui’an. Susan Lim…
August 29, 2019
Lime and its competitors Tier and Voi have formed the Nordic Micromobility Association to promote safety standards for electric scooters. The…
August 29, 2019
1068 NEC is to deploy an ITS solution to improve the performance of buses operated by Modern Bus in the city of Makkah, Saudi Arabia.
August 29, 2019
Florida has 20 of the top 100 communities in the US that offer limited evacuation routes for natural disasters, says StreetLight Data. The company…
August 29, 2019
TRL is calling for an update to UK and EU automotive legislation to allow police, insurers and road safety researchers access to event data recorder…
August 28, 2019
Strabag is to modernise 12km of railway between Oldřichov u Duchcova, part of the village of Jenikov, and the town of Bílina in the Czech Republic.…