He was joined on the road by Jaap Vreeswijk (left) from Map Traffic Management for an epic two-wheel trip to highlight the importance of decarbonising transportation. He called upon Congress delegates to consider taking less-polluting modes, such as train, coach or car-sharing, if they could. “We need more transport professionals to be more outspoken about transport decarbonisation and climate change, and to back that up with concrete big and small actions,” Jeftic says. "We have 100 months left until 2030."
Cycling to the ITS World Congress and back involves 150km cycling per day on an electric bicycle.
The e-bike is a 25 km/h assisted one, “so one still needs to cycle all the time!” Vreeswijk said: “It is remarkable that we are not way more frightened by climate change, which is already a much larger crisis. It is five to 12:00, rigorous action is needed.”