Together, in partnership with Vixionere SAPI de CV, Cubic will provide the Yucatán State Government with advanced traffic management technologies to manage urban mobility for the city’s one million residents. The solutions consist of Cubic’s Trafficware ATMS (advanced transportation management system), a standalone central management system that will funnel all of Mérida’s traffic data to a single repository for a real-time, integrated view of traffic flow. The system will receive data from more than 300 Trafficware traffic signal cabinets and adapt seamlessly to ever-evolving transportation flows.
Cubic’s ATMS will also integrate data from more than 60 intersections through SynchroGreen real-time adaptive traffic signal control technology, a software platform for traffic signal coordination and synchronisation, based on current traffic patterns.
The transit signal priority software will coordinate with NextBus, real-time bus positioning information, to give signal priority to transit vehicles. By utilising NextBus’ predictive bus stop arrival software, the system will analyse whether the transit vehicle is ahead or behind schedule and appropriately manage the signal to ensure the transit vehicle maintains its schedule. This coordination improves the probability of transit vehicles arriving on green, minimising transit vehicle stops and delays and increasing on-time performance.
Cubic’s technology will allow Mérida to bridge public and private transportation and improve the utilisation of its roadways and transit networks.