Agencies responsible for commercial vehicle inspection and enforcement have implemented TACS to carry out pre-screening for tyre problems in advance of inspection stations. In this application, TACS is used similarly to weigh-in-motion (WIM) to identify vehicles with safety issues and flag them for enforcement, while allowing safe vehicles to bypass inspection. These agencies have found TACS to be an effective solution for identifying vehicles with tyre problems that are sufficiently serious to place unsafe vehicles out of service. TACS may be integrated into existing weigh station management software so that inspectors can see exactly which tyres to examine.
Industry is also interested in tyre safety screening. Damaged tyres lead to breakdowns, expensive roadside repairs and increased costs due to freight delays. TACS is capable of screening at highway speeds, so it is well suited to use in scenarios where the drivers of commercial vehicles are alerted when tyre problems are identified. IRD has supplied TACS for a number of systems that use message signs to warn drivers of underinflated tyres that could pose a safety risk.