December 9, 2014
Antaira Technologies’ marketing engineer Brian Roth explains why the increasing capacity of wireless bridges is reducing the cost of expanding and…
December 8, 2014
The new raft of sensor technology can provide cost savings as well as additional functionality, as David Crawford discovers. Austria’s third-largest…
December 8, 2014
Colin Sowman reviews some of the traffic-related exhibits at the 2014 Vision Show in Stuttgart. Traffic was a major theme at this years’ Vision Show…
December 8, 2014
Contra Costa is using an innovative planning method to gather suggestions and craft future transportation spending plans. Public opinion in matters…
December 5, 2014
Andrew Bardin Williams looks at a novel option for new toll road authorities. While somewhat politically controversial, outsourcing has gained…
December 4, 2014
Caroline Haynes tells ITS International that transport planners and equipment suppliers need to adopt different thinking and the smartest cities don’…
November 18, 2014
Combining previously unrelated sets of data can provide an in-depth view of travel patterns. "Through the use of analytical tools, Urban Insights…
November 18, 2014
Transport and traffic data is on the increase but there must be an integrated data highway to derive the maximum ITS benefits, argues Deutsche…
November 17, 2014
Colin Sowman catches up on some of the latest research around outdoor pollution and looks at options available to authorities in areas of poor air…
November 17, 2014
Efficient speed enforcement in the most highly frequented tunnel in Austria on the A7 near Linz. The Bindermichl-Niedernhart tunnel complex on…