October 24, 2014
ITS America, organisers of the 2014 ITS World Congress in Detroit, has declared the event a great success with more than 9,100 participants, 700…
October 22, 2014
David Crawford cherrypicks conference and award highlights Almost 30% of all US citizens live in rural areas or very small communities, and 34 of…
October 22, 2014
Next year sees the start of the first real-life electrified road system for transporting freight. Worldwide freight transportation is predicted to…
October 22, 2014
David Crawford reviews a new approach to traffic smoothing. A key objective for the Californian city of Bakersfield’s upgraded traffic operations…
October 22, 2014
Connecticut’s new administration is using smart policy and ITS solutions to bridge social divides. Andrew Bardin Williams investigates. With only…
October 21, 2014
Colin Sowman talks to Matthew Pencharz, the man charged with charting London’s path between catering for traveller needs, conserving ancient…
September 26, 2014
Drive C2X has shown that advanced warning of poor road conditions could cut fatalities, as David Crawford explains. Connected vehicle (CV)-based…
September 26, 2014
Colin Sowman catches up with the latest moves in the 5.9GHz exclusivity debate. The Wi-Fi Innovation Act, recently introduced to both the US Senate…
September 23, 2014
Victoria Banks and Neville Stanton [1] of Southampton University’s Transportation Research Group examine the real impact of creeping driver…
September 23, 2014
Tolling may be the way forward for paying for the roads of the future - but where will concessionaires find the money and do they need funding or…