September 23, 2014
David Crawford investigates a promising development to counter the problem of fog in the Gulf States. Despite being a largely desert area with low…
September 23, 2014
Idaho leverages the increased capability and reliability of its road weather sensor network to reduce costs and prevent accidents. Weather-related…
September 22, 2014
A mobile road weather sensor is providing authorities with new options for monitoring road conditions and winter maintenance operations. Road and…
September 22, 2014
ASECAP debated the impact of the financial crises on Europe’s tolling companies and considered the future in diverse economies. Colin Sowman picks…
September 16, 2014
New regulations are set to standardise the process of awarding concessions across the European Union. In the wake of several inconsistent judgements…
September 16, 2014
Canadian researchers Olivier Quirion-Blais, Martin Trépanier and André Langevin have developed an algorithm to determine the most efficient routes…
September 15, 2014
Q-Free’s Frank Kjelsli talks to Colin Sowman about why video tolling could be the boost to efficiency and interoperability the industry is seeking.…
September 15, 2014
Arno Klamminger and Wolfgang Fleischer from Kapsch’s ETC Business Unit outline a new back office solution which addresses the ongoing changes in the…
September 15, 2014
David Crawford looks at camera-based vulnerable road users protection systems.Safe and efficient operation of road-based transit depends on…
September 15, 2014
Caldecott Tunnel’s new Fourth Bore is utilising a bespoke high-capacity monitoring and communications network from Moxa. The Caldecott Tunnel…