April 9, 2014
Road pricing can have a detrimental effect on the mobility and employment levels of low income households. Colin Sowman talks to Floridea Di Ciommo…
April 9, 2014
A year after it went live, Colin Sowman examines the technology used for Gothenburg’s congestion charging system and the effect the scheme has had on…
April 9, 2014
Ted Bowser explains how the almost total Wi-Fi coverage at Ride-On’s new bus garage is providing big benefits for the operator and passengers alike.…
April 8, 2014
Citizen Band radio is proving useful to prevent accidents in Germany’s roadworks. In common with other German Länder (federal regions) with large…
April 8, 2014
Hard shoulder running has become the UK’s default response to increasing motorway capacity as Colin Sowman reports. Facing a predicted 46% increase…
April 8, 2014
Jim Leslie, manager of ITS applications engineering at the Econolite Group looks at practical steps in transitioning from closed-loop masters to a…
April 8, 2014
3M is investing $1.3million to expand its research center to develop and test tolling and public safety products, and customers can use it too. When…
April 7, 2014
Leo McCloskey, ITS America’s senior vice president for Technical Programs, talks to Jason Barnes about what the recent NHTSA ruling on light vehicle…
April 7, 2014
Professor Alexander Baklanov of the World Meteorological Organization talks to Colin Sowman about the difficulties of reducing urban pollution. The…
April 2, 2014
David Crawford looks at technologies for better emergency medical service delivery. Emergency medical services (EMS) play key roles in transporting,…