November 28, 2013
Thomas Hallauer gives an overview of Usage Based Insurance (UBI), an industry that is putting telematic devices into more vehicles than fleet…
November 27, 2013
While The Netherlands already has some of the safest roads in the world it has ambitious plans to make them safer still, as Jon Masters discovers.…
November 27, 2013
New EU legislation allows authorities to collect fines from errant foreign motorists even after they have returned to their own country. New…
November 27, 2013
Do Advanced Driver Assistance Systems represent a positive step forward for safety, or something of a safety risk? Jason Barnes discusses the issue…
November 26, 2013
David Crawford records an upsurge in ground travel. Express buses are powering ahead of air and rail as the US’ most-favoured form of intercity…
November 26, 2013
Pan-European, multi-modal traffic and travel information is now available, for drivers willing to pay for it. Jon Masters reports. Those able to…
November 26, 2013
Pete Goldin examines Nokia’s rationale for combining its location services, digital mapping and other capabilities under the HERE brand. While it…
November 26, 2013
Purpose-designed travel information apps are emerging to support the real estate market in the US – and potentially more widely – in a major…
November 21, 2013
Driver interface and human factors could provide the biggest obstacles to autonomous vehicles as Jon Masters discovers.
November 20, 2013
New trials show Bluetooth and Wi-Fi signals can be reliably used for measuring travel times and at a lower cost than an ANPR system, but which is the…