April 22, 2013
There are huge benefits from roadway signage becoming dynamic, as Jason Morrison, ITS Market Manager at Daktronics explains.
April 22, 2013
Sabrina Sussman, ITS America’s new VP for Membership and Development, has been hired to lead the strategic planning efforts and enactment of the ITS…
April 12, 2013
Minnesota DoT has built one of the most intensive Active Traffic Management (ATM) systems on the road today. Like many ITS deployments, the state has…
April 12, 2013
Splinteroperability is a word devised by Travis P. Dunn and Victor J. Michelet C. to encapsulate the lack of progress towards ETC harmonisation in…
April 12, 2013
There’s a new face in the driving seat at the US Department of Transport’s ITS Joint Program Office. Fortunately, as Robin Meczes finds out, he’s no…
April 12, 2013
Intelligent intersection control systems have a growing role to play in making urban traffic more efficient. Robin Meczes reports. The idea of every…
March 20, 2013
With the Chancellor having announced in his Autumn Statement that the Government will be investing £1.5bn in the UK's road network, this seminar will…
March 1, 2013
The second stage of the EC’s HeERO project, which aims to address some of the issues surrounding the eCall system, has just got underway. Jason…
March 1, 2013
Hard shoulder running is on the increase – and the detection and monitoring of incidents on affected roads is occupying the minds of experts across…
March 1, 2013
A new frontier in the quest to monitor road traffic is opening up… but using airborne drones to reduce the jams comes with some thorny issues. Chris…