February 28, 2013
A comprehensive ITS strategy in New York built on a system of key building blocks has been crowned with an IRF award for the city’s Midtown in Motion…
February 28, 2013
Promoting open market conditions for ITS deployment remains a major part of Mexico’s recent infrastructure modernization program. Travis P Dunn,…
February 28, 2013
umors that self-driving taxis are about to hit the streets of Las Vegas have turned out to be untrue… but the age of the driverless vehicle is only…
February 28, 2013
Andy Teich, president of commercial systems at Flir, discusses the growing role of thermal technology in ITS and his company’s latest high-profile…
February 27, 2013
Internet-connected cars are poised to flood the market in the near future. Pete Goldin considers the functionality they offer, the technology they…
February 27, 2013
Jason Barnes considers how combining enforcement equipment with other traffic management technologies might benefit our future – if only the will…
February 27, 2013
Is the end for dedicated, in-vehicle telematics systems now in sight? Some seemed to think so at the recent Telematics Munich 2012 conference… Geoff…
February 27, 2013
Scott Belcher of ITS America explains why moves towards spectrum sharing in the 5.9GHz band should not be allowed to proceed until further analysis…
January 14, 2013
David Crawford has been to the Irish capital to see a potent memorandum of understanding at work. An imaginative collaboration between the world’s…
January 14, 2013
Microsimulation traffic modelling has supported a further roll-out of SCOOT adaptive traffic signal control in London, demonstrating a 13% reduction…