January 10, 2013
A common assumption, even amongst informed observers, is that there’s but a handful of urban charging schemes in operation around the world and scant…
January 8, 2013
An IBEC working group session at ITS World Congress in Vienna in October was presented with an example of a very cost-effective means for reducing…
January 7, 2013
How do national policy positions reflect key facets of the European Commission (EC) ITS Action Plan? How useful are memoranda of understanding (MoU)…
January 7, 2013
The International Road Federation has issued a wake up call to government ministers, in the form of its Vienna Manifesto on ITS. Four years on from…
January 7, 2013
Integration of travel payment and information is bringing utopia in management of transportation as a single intermodal system is closer to reality.…
January 7, 2013
Former head of the ITS Joint Program Office Shelley Row has passed the baton to a new director. Now working as an independent consultant, here she…
January 7, 2013
Accidental or malicious issue of false messages to connected vehicles could result in dire consequences, so secure systems of authentication and…
December 14, 2012
Vehicle manufacturers have targeted 2015 for the first cars to roll off European assembly lines fitted with operational V2X technology. They and…
December 14, 2012
A number of new and highly significant open road tolling schemes have just been launched or are soon to ‘go live’. Systems of road user charging are…
December 14, 2012
A decision on mandating connected vehicle technology is expected in 2013, when associated political issues such as privacy are likely to come to the…