September 12, 2012
The Autostrade led Ecomouv consortium is developing the next big system of truck tolling likely to be introduced in Europe – France’s ‘Eco-tax’. Jon…
September 12, 2012
Malaysia’s capital boasts a unique piece of infrastructure; a combined stormwater and motorway tunnel, the longest multi-purpose tunnel in the world…
September 12, 2012
A reauthorization bill for transportation came into law in July 2012, rubber stamping federal funding increases through the 2014 financial year,…
August 29, 2012
Award-winning ITS initiatives are promising modernisation of bus travel as a key part of development plans for cities of the Indian state of…
August 29, 2012
New systems of software are coming together to form the technological backbone of a project that will apply practically to one corridor in Dallas,…
August 29, 2012
Connected vehicle research and development is being aimed at improving driver safety and mobility, but is also promising advanced weather monitoring…
August 15, 2012
Collection of traffic and transit data has grown significantly, combining with advances in connectivity and computational modelling to good effect.…
August 14, 2012
A series of road tunnels is taking shape to help relieve Istanbul from crippling road congestion, with an extensive array of safety and management…
August 14, 2012
Efforts to advance national interoperability for tolling systems are gaining momentum, with one protocol promoted by a key operator group emerging as…
August 2, 2012
Pete Goldin reports on the public sector perspective in this second article exploring the impact of the US economic stimulus programme on the…