August 2, 2012
In the US, affirmation of the photo traffic enforcement sector's legal status and rising public support were significant aspects of 2009. James Tuton…
August 2, 2012
The practical, day-to-day co-working which goes on at Houston TranStar will form a major part of the demonstrations at the 2010 Annual Meeting, says…
August 2, 2012
The 2010 ITS America Annual Meeting & Exposition, which will take place in Houston, Texas will offer attendees something of a contrast with the…
August 2, 2012
Joshua Schank has no illusions when it comes to what he and the Bipartisan Policy Center are suggesting in Performance Driven: New Vision for US…
August 1, 2012
David Crawford looks at recent developments in travel information display systems. It is important to remember that we are investing in Real-Time…
August 1, 2012
Deryk Whyte provides an overview of how the New Zealand Transport Agency's InfoConnect concept was developed. Historically, the New Zealand Transport…
August 1, 2012
In the Netherlands, TNO, the independent research organisation, has been engaged in a project on behalf of the RDW, the Dutch vehicle registration…
August 1, 2012
Martyn Harriss looks at what we can do to simplify the type approval of enforcement equipment in Europe. I doubt that there are many who can remember…
July 31, 2012
The weigh in motion market remains especially buoyant and technological development continues to reflect this. Although there are major differences…
July 31, 2012
What future is there for automatic number plate recognition? Will it be supplanted by electronic vehicle identification, or will continuing…