July 13, 2012
Q-Free's Per Frederik Ecker talks about the Slovak Republic's new truck tolling system, which is intended to compensate for the large amounts of…
July 4, 2012
The Rijkswaterstaat and Highways Agency have joined forces to investigate what the market can do to realise an idealistic vision for traffic…
July 4, 2012
An innovative electronic vehicle registration system is being rolled out across Bangkok in Thailand, with road safety and speed enforcement the…
July 4, 2012
David Crawford monitors a growing trend in contactless smartcard ticketing The north east United States has become a hive of activity in the smart…
June 28, 2012
Nashville's signal optimisation programme produced a stunning return on investment. Are those results exceptional? Could similar results be…
June 20, 2012
A new vehicle routeing initiative has arisen to help improve emergency response and relief following natural disasters in Japan. David Crawford…
June 20, 2012
Road markings are among the most cost-effective solutions to make roads safer. A recent study carried out for the American Glass Bead Manufacturer’…
June 20, 2012
Malaysia’s Economic Transformation Programme aims to transform Kuala Lumpur into one of the world’s most liveable cities. Mohd Nur Kamal, CEO of…
June 11, 2012
Xerox Chairman and CEO Ursula Burns will deliver the keynote address at the opening plenary of ITS America’s 2012 Annual Meeting in May. She talked…
June 7, 2012
A programme of road safety education and enforcement in the State of Jalisco in Mexico has reduced speed related fatalities by 40% in nine months…