February 3, 2012
Chicago pioneers new passenger information initiatives. By David Crawford
February 3, 2012
Robot is offering nationwide enforcement services to both developed and developing countries.
February 3, 2012
David Crawford investigates new detection analysis technology from IBM. Locations on both the East and West Coasts of the US are scheduled for early…
February 3, 2012
Adrian Greeman looks at developments in software visualisation packages. The capacity to make visualisations has been growing in importance over the…
February 3, 2012
Colin Wilson, IBI Group, looks at the implications for enforcement of the European Commission's new Action Plan for the Deployment of ITS in Europe
February 3, 2012
Damian Black, CEO and founder of SQLstream Inc, writes about relational stream processing for real-time intelligent transport systems Almost…
February 3, 2012
ASECAP's Kallistratos Dionelis asks whether, despite the best intentions at the policy level, the European Electronic Tolling System can ever hope to…
February 3, 2012
Hermes, one of Europe's leading home delivery specialists, and part of the Otto group's European logistics division, estimates that introducing a…
February 3, 2012
Leading systems suppliers discuss how recent events in Italy have affected the automated enforcement sector and how the situation might be remediated
February 3, 2012
Kapsch's Kjell Arnesson talks about the first multi-lane free-flow tolling project in South Africa. In South Africa, installation is ongoing as part…