May 16, 2022
Cybersecurity concerns surrounding autonomous vehicles create uncertainty but Commsignia has set out to win trust by combating ‘misbehaviour’ attacks…
May 12, 2022
Covid and extreme weather events have recently shown that disruption to our lives and daily routines can come suddenly, and on a staggering scale.…
May 9, 2022
As connected vehicles inch towards becoming a common sight, there are concerns that they are ripe for hacking by malign actors. Alan Dron looks at…
May 5, 2022
The concept of universal basic mobility is here: but Shared-Use Mobility Center CEO Benjamin de la Peña tells Ben Spencer that such schemes may not…
May 3, 2022
Excessive traffic is a growing issue on road networks around the world, and reliance on private vehicles is still increasing. The good news for…
May 2, 2022
How have Covid-induced changes in transportation impacted health? And how can transport companies mitigate these effects? Soheil Sohrabi of S-Plus-M…
April 29, 2022
We need an intelligent infrastructure that communicates, says Markus Schlitt of Yunex Traffic
April 28, 2022
Enforcing speed limits on key corridors is a cost-effective way of reducing collisions in the Colombian capital, say the authors of a new study.…
April 25, 2022
Micromobility use is expanding: Voi’s Matthew Pencharz explains why lawmakers need to catch up with the growth of e-scooters in particular and the…
April 22, 2022
Funding for transit, cycling and walkability can be politically divisive – so why not bypass politics by letting toll payers themselves choose how a…