March 16, 2022
The US government’s cash injection for the nation’s bridges represents a step forward – but IBTTA’s Pat Jones suggests that states need to consider…
March 15, 2022
Getting drivers to slow down and space themselves safely on the road is a problem – but a collaboration between Innovia Technology and The Ray may…
March 14, 2022
Lidar feels like a technology whose time has come – but why now? Adam Hill talks to manufacturers, vendors and system integrators in the sector to…
March 9, 2022
Transportation was built through the lens of men: that ecosystem needs to change
March 3, 2022
Lidar is on the cusp of becoming an indispensable part of transportation infrastructure worldwide. Itai Dadon of Ouster takes a high-level overview…
March 2, 2022
How will the US deploy intelligent transit networks that enable connected vehicles? Data sharing is crucial if urban mobility users are to benefit,…
March 1, 2022
Laura Chace explains why ITS America is back in court to fight for connected vehicle technologies – and outlines efforts to lay the foundation for…
February 28, 2022
The UK government has announced that development of its all-lane running highways is going to be put on hold for another few years to assess safety…
January 25, 2022
Ohio Department of Transportation turned to StreetLight Data when it needed to finalise grant money for a key infrastructure link. David Crawford…
January 18, 2022
Metro users in Russian capital Moscow no longer need a card to pay for travel – they just need their face. So does the system actually work? And what…