December 20, 2021
Arguably, air pollution is one of the greatest challenges facing our world today. It impacts people, economies and the environment. It is clear that…
December 17, 2021
The days of Amazon just selling books may be long, long gone – but Randy Iwasaki of Amazon Web Services tells Adam Hill why the ability to tell…
December 16, 2021
The Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act has been passed, garnering applause across the political spectrum – but not everyone is excited. Scott…
December 14, 2021
Given a growing body of evidence that EVs are not the clean, green machines they are made out to be, Andrew Bunn suggests they can only be part of…
November 30, 2021
How can a highway devoid of traffic provide data suggesting it is filled with vehicles crawling along? Michael Vardi of Valerann provides an insight…
November 16, 2021
As many as 84 million vehicles worldwide may have tyres which are improperly inflated or in poor condition, which has a significant effect on road…
November 11, 2021
$1 trillion legislation is hailed as 'essential step' in modernising US roads and bridges
November 9, 2021
The projected rise and rise of electric vehicle usage means that European road surfaces are taking on new appearances to get ready
November 5, 2021
Embracing digital payments and transparent journey planning is key to changing traveller behaviour and accelerating integrated public transport, says…
November 3, 2021
North Texas Tollway Authority has won IBTTA’s first Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Award. But what made the organisation’s focus on disadvantaged,…