May 24, 2021 3 mins Read
A mixture of mobile and static roadside units may be what’s required to fulfil the needs of connected vehicle communications
May 19, 2021 3 mins Read
There are too many deaths where road and rail intersect: Virginie Taillandier, smart level crossing project manager at French rail group SNCF,…
May 13, 2021 3-Minute Read
Idemia pledges to make life safer for VRUs with new products based around existing technology, Jean-Paul Baldacci tells Adam Hill
May 11, 2021 3 mins Read
If we’re going to take advantage of new technologies to improve safety, collaboration at the traffic management cabinet edge is vital, thinks Eric…
May 7, 2021 3-Minute Read
Recent changes to weighing standards and legislation in Brazil allow for expansion of Weigh in Motion technology in an attempt to address some…
May 5, 2021 4-Minute Read
Climate change is already affecting tolling operations in many parts of the world. IBTTA’s Bill Cramer explains how the sector can be seen as a…
May 4, 2021 2 mims Read
Car-sharing schemes depend above all on there being enough car-share vehicles to go round
May 1, 2021
Kapsch TrafficCom’s Mobility Report 2021 reveals how new ITS measures such as vehicle connectivity and AI-based data processing can help create…
April 30, 2021 4-Minute Read
Movmi founder Sandra Phillips talks to Adam Hill about why transport integration is sometimes a matter of trust – and how to empower women in…
April 29, 2021 3-Minute Read
ITS America’s rearranged Annual Meeting will take place in Charlotte, North Carolina, in early December. It is going to be Covid-safe and full of…