September 17, 2020 2 mins Read
Using good old pedal power and 3D simulation software to create safer road designs for drivers and cyclists is bearing fruit in the US...
September 17, 2020
About now is traditionally the time that thoughts turn to the ITS World Congress – and this year is no different. Actually, that’s nonsense: this…
September 16, 2020
We need to focus on providing better mass transportation services during the COVID-19 pandemic - and work out how to help travellers to rapidly…
September 15, 2020
E-scooter providers must form close partnerships with local governments to create a successful operating environment which the public will accept and…
September 15, 2020 2-Minute Read
Want to find clear spaces for loading and unloading by using restaurants and shops and machine learning? Heck, yes…
September 15, 2020
The Los Angeles ITS World Congress has moved online: Shailen Bhatt of ITS America explains to Adam Hill why everyone should get involved in this…
September 13, 2020 4-Minute Read
If you think putting pedestrian detection and warning tech into existing buses isn’t value for money, then you need to read this research...
September 11, 2020 3-Minute Read
Ride-hailing giant says it can switch to all-electric vehicles 'in any major city' by 2030
August 26, 2020
Road tolling operations will be transformed by new revenue collection possibilities
August 12, 2020 5-Minute Read
In the Baltic states, on north-east Europe’s border with Russia, the ITS sector is on the verge of big growth, finds Eugene Gerden - but more