July 15, 2020
Does a MaaS ecosystem work best if it’s open or closed? A new project with Swedish regional transit agency Skånetrafiken might just answer that,…
July 14, 2020
Covid-19 has turned what we thought we knew upside down…but the basics remain the same, says IBTTA
July 14, 2020 1 min Read
There’s a limit to experimenting for real with driverless cars - which is where virtual simulation comes in
July 14, 2020
Harnessing distributed acoustic sensing technology across urbanised city transport networks can deliver real advantages for traffic flow, says Stuart…
July 13, 2020
Street demonstrations at times create tricky balancing acts for public transportation providers - and the recent Black Lives Matter protests have…
July 13, 2020
Holistic solutions are required on air quality and inequality - and the ITS industry is involved
July 13, 2020 2 mins Read
Do you want happier travellers? Then maybe it’s time to think about moving towards account-based ticketing
June 30, 2020
An index has revealed the most dangerous parts of the world for car crashes, with cities in Africa, the US, India and Russia particularly challenging…
June 26, 2020
French authorities are using artificial intelligence to track face covering compliance
June 23, 2020
So what have we found so far from life in lockdown? Not commuting has its benefits. Maybe more of us could work from home when technology allows. We…