July 8, 2019
London’s patchwork of road charging schemes should be replaced by a single, distance-based user charge, according to new research. Apart from…
July 8, 2019
From IP-based systems to an increasing array of choice, traffic and transit management has changed a lot in the last few years. Adam Hill talks to…
June 17, 2019
In order for the take-up of electric vehicles – a key part of the future mobility mix - to grow, we need batteries. And that might prove tricky,…
June 17, 2019
A new study shows that on-demand AVs and MaaS together could make a significant difference to traffic in Oslo, Norway – but only if ride-share is…
June 17, 2019
Two UK organisations - Transport Systems Catapult and Future Cities - have merged to form Connected Places Catapult. Helen Wylde explains what this…
June 17, 2019
The emergence of 5G may not be necessary to provide a high-definition map for autonomous driving, says Matt Preyss from Here Technologies. Ben…
June 11, 2019
The Netherlands’ famous love of bicycles could be a problem when it comes to the deployment of autonomous vehicles there. And there might be other…
June 11, 2019
International ITS experts flocked to Russia for a new conference on the challenges of urban transit. Eugene Gerden reports from Moscow The Leaders…
June 11, 2019
The Royal College of Art is a design powerhouse, and researcher Artur Mausbach is turning his attention to what future mobility will look – and feel…
June 11, 2019
ITS International’s third MaaS Market conference in London provoked lively discussions about micromobility, AVs, the stupidity of car drivers - and…