June 11, 2019
Just prior to resigning as Conduent Transportation CEO, Mick Slattery talked to Adam Hill about the importance of digital and how tech can transform…
May 10, 2019
Yet another roundabout is being built in the US. The public remains sceptical but agencies and contractors are on board, writes David Arminas Global…
May 10, 2019
There are several networking options available for smart city planners. Phil Beecher of Wi-SUN Alliance makes the case for wireless mesh networks…
May 10, 2019
Cyber threats are increasing rapidly and conventional security measures are unable to keep up. Ben Spencer talks to SafeRide’s Gil Reiter about what…
May 9, 2019
It’s easy to talk about MaaS in the abstract – but MaaS isn’t going to work if it’s just a theory. Colin Sowman speaks to one woman about the…
May 9, 2019
New ITS systems on either side of the Atlantic – such as an intriguing piece of connected clothing – aim to reduce the casualty toll among road…
May 9, 2019
UK cities must learn from the Netherlands and Denmark if active travel and increased safety for vulnerable road users are to co-exist, says TRL’s…
May 8, 2019
Europe is seen as leading the charge as providers battle to gain traction for their Mobility as a Service apps. But that could be about to change…
May 3, 2019
As transport, communications and energy networks become inextricably linked, policy makers are recognising the implications for our built environment…
April 29, 2019
There is a lot of debate about the place of autonomous vehicles on our roads – but a Swedish company is already ploughing ahead with driverless snow…