November 23, 2018
Taking the pressure off cities’ road networks can have a beneficial effect on the environment. David Crawford looks at a new economic model which…
November 23, 2018
Just a few years ago, terms such as ‘embedded’ and ‘polarisation’ were buzzwords. But now they are real and present examples of vision technology in…
November 23, 2018
A bus-to-jobs project in Milwaukee provides a useful service for low-paid workers. A new report shows the economic impact of potential closure on…
November 23, 2018
The rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence means that fortune tellers will soon be out of business. Ed Chavis takes a behind the scenes…
November 23, 2018
For all the talk of smart cities, investment in systems lags significantly behind organic expansion in most places. Andrew Stone talks to Venkat…
October 22, 2018
Julián Núñez, immediate past president of ASECAP, gets his teeth into the vision of a European strategy for toll roads. David Arminas reports from…
October 22, 2018
As security threats become increasingly vast and varied, multinationals are beginning to see the need for an effective global security operations…
October 22, 2018
RTS in Rochester, New York, saves by working with Conduent to upgrade its CAD/AVL systems rather than ripping them up and replacing them. Andrew…
October 22, 2018
Traffic can be a really big challenge. When you’re stuck, you’re stuck. Everything comes to a standstill. But Alexander Lewald describes how existing…
October 22, 2018
What started five years ago as a mobile ticketing app is evolving towards a full MaaS offering for the US city of Dallas, Texas. Colin Sowman finds…