December 21, 2017
Shem Oirere looks at plans to tackle chronic congestion in the Kenyan capital. Traffic jams in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, are estimated to cost…
December 20, 2017
Momentum shift in prospect as authorities accelerate plans to rethink transport provision. TS International’s second, two-day international MaaS…
December 19, 2017
Refinements in the data available from the US Federal Highway Administration will improve road management across America. David Crawford reports. In…
December 19, 2017
Pete Goldin discovers the state of play with connected vehicles trials in the US and the impact of Hurricane Irma on Tampa’s pilot. The US…
December 19, 2017
Having been the first US state to introduce the gas tax a century ago, Oregon is now blazing the road user charging trail. Colin Sowman looks at…
December 18, 2017
As delegates head for the 2017 ITS World Congress in Montreal, we talk to Copenhagen mayor Morten Kabell about why his city is the ideal location for…
December 6, 2017
David Crawford ponders prospects for one of the world’s most congested and polluted cities. In 1992, the United Nations named Mexico City as the…
December 6, 2017
Sony’s Jerome Avenel looks at how advances in imaging technology are helping improve safety. On the 24th March 1999, a Belgian truck transporting…
December 5, 2017
Plagued by intolerable congestion but denied government funding for its solution, tiny Halton Borough Council relentlessly pursued its vision and…
December 5, 2017
As Hamburg is confirmed as the host for the 2021 ITS World Congress, David Crawford looks at the city’s moves towards enabling MaaS-type operations…