September 19, 2017
Turning a ‘problem’ into ‘an opportunity’ is the mantra of just about every business book and Michigan Department of Transportation (MDoT) looks set…
September 6, 2017
Meteorological organisations invest millions in super-computers to crunch data for ever-more accurate forecasts but inherent unpredictability means…
September 6, 2017
Few disruptions appear on the horizon for global toll road operators, with the US poised to become a better bet for major investment, according to…
September 6, 2017
Every day 185 million vehicles – cars, trucks, school buses, emergency response units - cross one or more of America’s 55,710 'structurally…
August 21, 2017
In opening the session on putting MaaS ideas into practice, Hans Arby, chief executive of UbiGo, told the conference that, “MaaS can mean different…
August 21, 2017
In opening the session on putting MaaS ideas into practice, Hans Arby, chief executive of UbiGo, told the conference that, “MaaS can mean different…
August 21, 2017
Conventional cost benefit analysis (CBA) of plans for urban smart mobility initiatives needs serious rethinking, according to a recently-completed…
August 21, 2017
Someone once likened predicting the future to ‘nailing a jelly to the wall’. With ITS, C-ITS and V2X technology progressing at such a pace,…
August 8, 2017
Colin Sowman picks his highlights from Asecap’s 45th annual Study and Information Days in Paris. European tolling association Asecap holds annual…
August 8, 2017
Catering for those with disabilities can be cost-effective and improve services for all travellers, as David Crawford discovers. Clearer…