May 10, 2017
Tammy Meehan and Thomas Hedblom of 3M consider the ongoing development of technology needed to introduce connected and autonomous vehicles. The…
May 3, 2017
Colin Sowman hears about a new truck parking information system being piloted across eight states. Legislation limits truck drivers’ hours with the…
April 20, 2017
Richard Cuerden considers how many of the technologies developed as part of a move toward autonomous vehicles are already being deployed as ADAS…
April 20, 2017
Alan Dron looks at where WIM is heading in the near future. As Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) systems grow in sophistication and accuracy, they are…
April 19, 2017
Land availability restrictions and tidal traffic flows have led to the implementation of a novel managed lane configuration in Texas, as Colin Sowman…
April 7, 2017
As he takes the wheel at Ertico - ITS Europe, Jacob Bangsgaard talks to ITS International about the challenges and opportunities facing the…
April 7, 2017
As he takes the wheel at Ertico - ITS Europe, Jacob Bangsgaard talks to ITS International about the challenges and opportunities facing the…
April 5, 2017
To Uber or Not to Uber, that is the question cities must answer as they consider the pros and cons of inviting private transportation service…
April 5, 2017
Alan Thomas of CAVT looks at the reality behind the safety claims fuelling the drive towards autonomous vehicles
March 31, 2017
Automated parking offers optimised space utilisation and fewer damage complaints as David Crawford discovers. As cars become smarter, technology…