October 26, 2016
David Crawford sees hope for stricken patients on the wrong side of the border. In treating patients with heart or stroke conditions, speed is of the…
October 26, 2016
As red light enforcement is returning to some intersections and being shut down at others, new evidence has been released backing the safety…
October 21, 2016
Caltrans’ Malcolm Dougherty took time out of his schedule at ITS America 2016 in San Jose to talk to ITS International about current and future…
October 17, 2016
Professor Donald Fisher has spent 15 years identifying factors that increase the crash risk of novice and older drivers. His findings highlight the…
October 14, 2016
Richard Harris from Xerox considers how to alleviate inner-city traffic congestion. Whether travelling for business or leisure, wasting unnecessary…
October 14, 2016
Andrew Bardin Williams looks at state-run schemes to encourage green transportation habits with raffles, gift cards, competitions and frequent…
October 5, 2016
Bus travel booking is moving into the digital age as David Crawford discovers. A global surge in demand for intercity bus travel is fuelling new…
October 5, 2016
New report highlights how assessing the financial benefit of deploying ITS is an involved and evolving calculation Following a global search, five…
October 5, 2016
Brazil’s incident-prone Regis Bittencourt Highway was once known as ‘the highway of death’ but investment in ITS systems has brought about some big…
September 15, 2016
The EU-co-funded I_ HeERO (Infrastructure_ Harmonised eCall European Pilot) project is working to ensure the readiness of national networks of call…