May 18, 2016
Vinci’s André Broto presented his views on how the tolling industry could play an important role in helping authorities ease urban congestion, to…
May 18, 2016
Gareth Horton explains how the European Commission’s Transport Research and Innovation Portal can help expedite research and turn theory into…
May 13, 2016
ITS America 2016 promises to be anything but ‘business-as-usual’ as its new president and CEO, Regina Hopper, aims to broaden the scope and…
May 13, 2016
Moves to make life easier and safer for vulnerable and impaired road users are gaining strength on both sides of the Atlantic. A recent webcast by…
May 11, 2016
A traffic incident management project in Arizona has speeded up reopening closed lanes and saved an estimated $165m through reducing traffic delays.…
May 5, 2016
The US has a new trend in personal mobility and David Crawford takes a closer look. US automaker General Motors and ridesharer Lyft’s announcement…
May 5, 2016
Josef Czako takes a look at what the future developments may hold for both the transport sector and society. As the dust of the 2015 World Congress…
May 4, 2016
Transit priority is proving a win-win in Europe and Australia. David Crawford reports. Technology that integrates with the Australian-originated…
April 21, 2016
After 45 years in transportation, Ken Philmus sees the need for major change in a sector currently ill-prepared to meet the challenge of funding and…
April 20, 2016
Amsterdam had taken the final step in digitising parking and parking enforcement and the move is paying dividends. It was almost a decade ago that…