February 25, 2016
Currently deployed technology is being used to detect motorists ignoring the ‘red-X’ signs that indicate the lane is closed, as Colin Sowman hears.…
February 25, 2016
David Crawford looks into the near-term future for Stockholm’s rail commuters. Swedish rail operator Stockholmståg, which runs commuter services in…
February 24, 2016
Timothy Compston looks at the rise of Uber and ride request mobile apps. There is little doubt that the advent of Uber has come as major shock to…
January 6, 2016
Tolling technology is now at an advanced state but governments have a key role in ensuring the success of schemes as is evident in Africa. Shem…
January 6, 2016
Tolling technology is now at an advanced state but governments have a key role in ensuring the success of schemes as is evident in Africa. Shem…
January 5, 2016
Vitronic’s John Yalda looks at how machine vision has become an integral part of many ITS deployments and why it complements, rather than replaces,…
January 5, 2016
Thomas Hallauer from Ptolemus believes trials of connected road charging services will show the pay per mile concept will go much further than…
December 23, 2015
For ITS to gain the recognition it deserves, Q-Free’s Knut Evensen argues that the sector must have a coherent message and avoid confusing the wider…
December 22, 2015
ASFINAG has developed a mobile traffic monitoring and guidance system through a pre-commercial procurement project. Drivers have become accustomed to…
December 22, 2015
Mass pilgrimages, new tourists and a growing population lead Jeddah to seek some smart transport solutions as David Crawford finds out. Rationalising…