October 29, 2015
David Crawford looks at the latest thinking about calculating the benefits associated with the environmental side of ITS schemes. The penny is…
October 29, 2015
There will be no roadside parking in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, 15 years from now, predicts ITS Finland’s CEO Sampo Hietanen. “Instead, a self-…
October 28, 2015
Although car-sharing and ride-sharing could drastically reduce car sales, David Crawford finds some US automakers are keen to participate in the…
October 28, 2015
As bold moves aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been introduced in California, David Crawford looks at the ramifications for…
October 19, 2015
Outsouring of enforcement services is on the increase internationally as highway and traffic authorities seek further support in resources and…
October 19, 2015
This year’s ITS World Congress in Bordeaux will have three sessions dedicated to cyber security and the issue will also be addressed under connected…
October 13, 2015
Andrew Bardin Williams looks at how a political stalemate and a series of short-term fixes is undermining America’s highway funding and curtailing…
October 13, 2015
The ITF’s Mary Crass tells Colin Sowman why future transport demands will require governments to overcome the silo effect of individual single-modal…
August 20, 2015
Across Europe there is a very mixed picture of compliance to latest safety standards for road tunnels. Best practice has emerged, however, in the…
August 20, 2015
Cycling offers health, air quality and road space/parking benefits, promoting governments and the EU to look at tax and technology initiatives.…