June 11, 2015
Q-Free’s Marco Sinnema looks at how the commoditisation of high-quality vision-based solutions is widening their application. Machine vision…
June 11, 2015
The adaptation of machine vision to transport applications continues apace. That the machine vision industry is taking traffic installations…
June 10, 2015
Kapsch TrafficCom’s Christoph Amlacher explains that the key to successful Electronic Vehicle Registration is to consider a deployment in its…
June 10, 2015
Shem Oirere looks at the beneficial effect of cargo tracking. The mandatory installation of electronic cargo tracking and security (ECTS) systems in…
June 9, 2015
Single-camera bi-directional speed enforcement can reduce the cost of enforcing speeding on two-way roads without repositioning the camera. Truvelo…
June 9, 2015
With increasing road fatalities the Ukrainian government is planning to introduce ITS technology in 2016-2017. Eugene Gerden finds out more. The…
June 9, 2015
Lacroix Trafic’s Steve Collins believes the improving trends in road safety could go into reverse unless authorities make full use of the latest LED…
June 9, 2015
Cubic’s Chris Bax looks at the challenges and benefits of implementing transport as a service. Imagine paying for travel in exactly the same way you…
June 8, 2015
A new report says car-centric planning leads to inefficient cities and divided communities as lead author Todd Litman explains. Between 1950 and 2050…
June 8, 2015
A new report says car-centric planning leads to inefficient cities and divided communities as lead author Todd Litman explains. Between 1950 and 2050…