June 4, 2015
Colin Sowman gets the global view on how ITS has shaped the way we travel today and what will shape the way we travel tomorrow. Over the past two…
June 3, 2015
As a new report shows that distracted driving is a bigger cause of accidents than previously thought, Jon Masters asks what should be done to counter…
June 3, 2015
Jill Ingrassia, incoming chair of ITS America, on the exciting and challenging road ahead. Question: You have been a member of the Board of ITS…
May 8, 2015
David Crawford looks at a US model which, for modest federal funding, is producing substantive results. Outward and upward is the clear message…
May 8, 2015
To complement its existing WIM offering, IRD has introduced a system to detect under-inflated and flat tyres at highway speeds. Tyre inflation…
May 8, 2015
Pete Zanzottera explains why considering cycling in urban planning is a win-win situation. The Cycling Delivery Plan published by the UKs Department…
May 8, 2015
David Crawford welcomes low-cost safety initiatives for pedestrians in America. Some 10 people die each week in accidents on crosswalks in the US,…
May 8, 2015
Accident analysis software can help authorities identify common causes and make best use of their budgets, as Will Baron explains. More than 1.2…
May 7, 2015
Major ITS installations are planned as the Russian capital Moscow grapples with extensive traffic problems. At the end of 2014, Russia’s first…
May 6, 2015
Arup’s vision of the Future of Highways considers a wide range of factors that will impact on mobility towards the middle of the century. In its…