Almex, a business division of the German Hoeft & Wessel Group, has launched a new ticket vending terminal for buses and trams. The Almex.Mini, with compact dimensions and low weight, provides payment facilities in cash, via a coin processing and change return function, or by smart cards via contactless e-ticketing applications. Appropriate interfaces facilitate simple and speedy integration into existing applications or delivery in the form of a full package solution. As the company points out, the new Alme

Almex, a business division of the German Hoeft & Wessel Group, has launched a new ticket vending terminal for buses and trams. The Almex.Mini, with compact dimensions and low weight, provides payment facilities in cash, via a coin processing and change return function, or by smart cards via contactless e-ticketing applications. Appropriate interfaces facilitate simple and speedy integration into existing applications or delivery in the form of a full package solution. As the company points out, the new Almex.Mini is a further development of the tried and tested predecessor generation, of which more than 1,500 models have already been delivered and installed across Europe.