Exploring the future of intelligent road transport

Connected Vehicles, a conference organised by European Voice, will take place on 18 September 2014 in Brussels. This one-day international event will discuss the main factors of vehicle connectivity with policy-makers and industry leaders of the sectors involved. In May, the European Parliament and the Council approved the deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall system. To allow member states to adapt the necessary infrastructure, this emergency call system will have to be operational by October 2017
Location Based Systems / September 2, 2014

Connected Vehicles, a conference organised by European Voice, will take place on 18 September 2014 in Brussels. This one-day international event will discuss the main factors of vehicle connectivity with policy-makers and industry leaders of the sectors involved.

In May, the European Parliament and the Council approved the deployment of the interoperable EU-wide eCall system. To allow member states to adapt the necessary infrastructure, this emergency call system will have to be operational by October 2017. This legislation can be an opportunity to develop additional value-added services in vehicles and boost the connected car market.

However, connected vehicles can only be developed as part of a standardised network. The development of the market also relies heavily on the ability of the industry and regulators to address data-related issues such as data protection and privacy and data ownership, as well as safety concerns.

The Connected Vehicle conference is therefore an opportunity to discuss the opportunities and challenges of this new market, explore viable multi-industry business models and share innovative ideas with pioneers in intelligent road transport.

More details about the conference are available here (link <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />000oLinkExternalwww.ev-connectedvehicles.comVisit Connect Vehicles Websitefalsehttp://www.ev-connectedvehicles.com/falsefalse%>)