Denmark chooses Inrix real time traffic information

Denmark has become the first country in the world to rely on GPS probe data to monitor traffic and congestion on a national scale. The Danish Road Directorate has awarded Inrix the contract to provide real-time traffic information throughout the country, enabling it to monitor traffic flow and gridlock more effectively. The Danish Road Directorate has more than 10 years' experience of using GPS data to monitor traffic and believes that gathering real-time information from private and commercial vehicle
Location Based Systems / July 2, 2015
Denmark has become the first country in the world to rely on GPS probe data to monitor traffic and congestion on a national scale.  The 1845 Danish Road Directorate has awarded 163 Inrix the contract to provide real-time traffic information throughout the country, enabling it to monitor traffic flow and gridlock more effectively.

The Danish Road Directorate has more than 10 years' experience of using GPS data to monitor traffic and believes that gathering real-time information from private and commercial vehicles is the most effective way to gain a comprehensive picture of traffic and congestion across the country.

In addition to more traditional traffic monitoring methods, real-time information from connected vehicles and devices will provide the Danish Road Directorate with an immediate view of what is happening throughout its entire national road network, improving traffic flow across more than 4,000 kilometres of road. As a result, drivers will be provided with more accurate, real-time information about the most congested routes.

Inrix will work with global consulting firm COWI and German traffic company TraffGo to deliver this highly-customised transportation data service.
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