Greek EU Presidency confirms commitment to eCall in Greece

During the recent “Intelligent Transport Systems, eCall and Road Safety” conference, organised by the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, the Greek government’s commitment to implement the eCall service in Greece was confirmed.
Location Based Systems / May 9, 2014
During the recent “Intelligent Transport Systems, eCall and Road Safety” conference, organised by the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport, the Greek government’s commitment to implement the eCall service in Greece was confirmed.

At the conference, organised in cooperation with the 1690 European Commission and 374 Ertico-ITS Europe, which is the coordinator of the European project HeERO, Greek Secretary General for Telecommunications of Post, Menelaos Daskalakis, presented eCall and Greek, Bulgarian and Turk officials discussed their pilot sites, while a real-time demonstration of the Greek eCall system was successfully carried out.

Other items on the conference agenda included the strategic development of intelligent transport systems (ITS), with a presentation of new projects and initiatives for more efficient and better use of transport services by introducing intelligent systems. The work of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection was also presented, including the support provided to pan-European emergency number 112 and the implementation progress of upgrading the Operations Centre. There was also an extensive report from on policy issues of DG Connect and 5578 DG Move on ITS.
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