VTC 6110 in-vehicle computer certified by AT&T

Nexcom has announced that major US wireless carrier AT&T has certified its VTC 6110 in-vehicle computer as being compatible with the AT&T carrier network. The robust unit can be used in any truck, bus, car or other service vehicle.
Location Based Systems / March 26, 2012
RSS1916 Nexcom has announced that major US wireless carrier AT&T has certified its VTC 6110 in-vehicle computer as being compatible with the AT&T carrier network. The robust unit can be used in any truck, bus, car or other service vehicle. Not only does the in-vehicle PC comply with most relevant automobile industry standards such as the eMark, but Nexcom says it also has several other features which make it ideal for in-vehicle operation, including power ignition delay control, low-power protection and SMBus connection. It also features a wide variety of connectivity options including GPS, 802.11b/g/n, 3.5G, and 1835 Bluetooth.
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