Among Continental’s latest innovations is the dynamic electronic Horizon (eHorizon) navigational technology. Along with its partners IBM and location cloud company Here, Continental has turned the digital map into a high-precision and constantly up-to-date sensor that can be used for much more than just navigation.
March 11, 2015
Read time: 1 min
Continental dynamic eHorizon
Among 260 Continental’s latest innovations is the dynamic electronic Horizon (eHorizon) navigational technology. Along with its partners IBM and location cloud company Here, Continental has turned the digital map into a high-precision and constantly up-to-date sensor that can be used for much more than just navigation.
The dynamic eHorizon enables Continental to incorporate dynamic events like weather, traffic or construction sites on the route into the digital map and make this information available for vehicle electronics. The information is gathered from a multitude of sources based on the principle of crowdsourcing.
Continental claims that one of the uses for eHorizon is highly automated driving, where the technology can be used to allow the vehicle to ‘look around the corner’.