Flir has confirmed four of its smart sensors for traffic detection have been placed on the Florida Department of Transportation (FDoT) approved products list (APL).
US state DoTs often test products that companies want to introduce to help improve the efficiency of traffic and safety of road users.
According to Flir, this testing ensures new technologies are acceptable solutions to be placed on each state's APL, which then allows adoption across city, county and state applications.
FDoT certified the Flir TrafiSense2, a sensor that uses a high-resolution thermal sensor to detect vehicles and vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.
The APL also includes the Flir TrafiOne sensor for traffic monitoring and dynamic traffic signal control as well as a solution which detects moving and stationary vehicles at signalised intersections called Traficam x-stream2.
FDoT also chose the Flir TrafiSense2 Dual, a solution that combines thermal and visual imaging technology with advanced video analytics to provide vehicle and bicycle presence detection at signalised intersections during the day and at night.