Actibump installed at Curtain University to tackle speeding

Curtin University Campus in Perth, Australia, has activated two of Edeva’s ActiBump systems along a road traversing around its campus to combat an estimated 70% of vehicles driving over the speed limit. Both platforms have been installed during the Summer break. ActiBump is said to allow users to set the speed limit and other variables via software, which is also programmable for other applications. David Eskilsson, general manager at Edeva, the inventor of the Actibump, said: “The system collects speed
UTC / March 23, 2018
Curtin University Campus in Perth, Australia, has activated two of Edeva’s ActiBump systems along a road traversing around its campus to combat an estimated 70% of vehicles driving over the speed limit. Both platforms have been installed during the Summer break.

ActiBump is said to allow users to set the speed limit and other variables via software, which is also programmable for other applications.

David Eskilsson, general manager at Edeva, the inventor of the Actibump, said: “The system collects speed data for every passing vehicle. We are looking at the results and are already seeing a decrease of the number of speeding vehicles. We recognise this trend from our Swedish installations.”