Call to become part of Co-Cities Prime

Co-Cities Prime provides an opportunity for cities and regions which want to provide integrated multimodal transport and set up mobility services with the opportunity to equip their information systems with the Commonly Agreed Interface of Co-Cities supported by an experienced technology provider. Up to 50 per cent of the implementation effort will be contributed by the Co-Cities project. The call for participation is open from April 3rd to May 5th, 2013, and city administrations, urban transport authoriti
UTC / April 3, 2013
Co-Cities Prime provides an opportunity for cities and regions which want to provide integrated multimodal transport and set up mobility services with the opportunity to equip their information systems with the Commonly Agreed Interface of Co-Cities supported by an experienced technology provider.  Up to 50 per cent of the implementation effort will be contributed by the Co-Cities project.

The call for participation is open from April 3rd to May 5th, 2013, and city administrations, urban transport authorities or city representatives, along with local technical partners or other partners of the local city administration are invited to participate. After evaluation of all applicants, a minimum of three Prime cities will be selected for the implementation process at the end of May 2013.  

A detailed description and the application form are available at <%$Linker:2External<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><dictionary />>.

The EU-funded Co-Cities project is aimed at introducing and validating cooperative mobility services in cities and urban areas and provides traffic information services to the end user utilising the Co-Cities App. Additionally it allows users to give feedback on the received services via a feedback loop, based on the Commonly Agreed standardised Interface (CAI), a harmonised interface between operators, data providers and service providers (B2B interface).