HGVs on Welsh bus lanes threaten road safety

Campaigners in Wales are worried that plans to allow heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to use bus lanes will put vulnerable road users at risk and affect the reliability of buses. The Campaign for Better Transport, along with four other non-government organisations and charities, has written to Ken Skates, the cabinet secretary for economy and transport. Philippa Edmunds from Campaign for Better Transport, says: “We are writing to voice our concern about Nick Jones’ plans and we believe just a cursory
UTC / May 11, 2018

Campaigners in Wales are worried that plans to allow heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) to use bus lanes will put vulnerable road users at risk and affect the reliability of buses.

The Campaign for Better Transport, along with four other non-government organisations and charities, has written to Ken Skates, the cabinet secretary for economy and transport.

Philippa Edmunds from Campaign for Better Transport, says: “We are writing to voice our concern about Nick Jones’ plans and we believe just a cursory evaluation should be enough to reject this idea.”

Edmunds adds that any evaluation that may go ahead would require the full involvement of road safety organisations, bus and sustainable transport campaigners, walking and cycling bodies as well as highway groups and road haulage trade associations.