Idex launches CV platform to aid emergency services

US equipment provider Idex Fire & Safety has launched a connected vehicle platform to help first responders working in fire and emergency medical services carry out safer and more efficient operations. Captium, built on the Microsoft Azure Government cloud platform, is intended to allow responders to share key data and via a web and mobile dashboard, offering secure over-the-air updates. Jeff Zook, marketing manager for connected solutions at Idex, says: “Real-time access to the health of networked
UTC / May 3, 2018

US equipment provider Idex Fire & Safety has launched a connected vehicle platform to help first responders working in fire and emergency medical services carry out safer and more efficient operations.

Captium, built on the Microsoft Azure Government cloud platform, is intended to allow responders to share key data and via a web and mobile dashboard, offering secure over-the-air updates.

Jeff Zook, marketing manager for connected solutions at Idex, says: “Real-time access to the health of networked electrical controllers, multiplexing systems and water flow components can help save valuable time."

Multiplexing combines multiple analogue or digital signals into one signal over a shared medium.

Several manufacturers working with Idex will be the first to adopt the solution as a standard on fire trucks and ambulances.