Mobility to be turned into an overall service

A ministerial round table discussion of EU member states on transport at the ITS Europe 2014 Congress on 17 June supported the long-term aim of turning mobility into a service, with the objective that users’ mobility and transportation needs are met under one agreement. Mobility as a service means an overall change in the entire transport system and in the roles of the operators in the transport sector. It is outlined in the statement that in future, transport modes and services will be widely interoper
UTC / June 18, 2014
A ministerial round table discussion of EU member states on transport at the ITS Europe 2014 Congress on 17 June supported the long-term aim of turning mobility into a service, with the objective that users’ mobility and transportation needs are met under one agreement.

Mobility as a service means an overall change in the entire transport system and in the roles of the operators in the transport sector.  It is outlined in the statement that in future, transport modes and services will be widely interoperable.

The joint statement of the Ministerial Round Table also emphasised the aim to develop the transport sector into an ecosystem that is based on close cooperation between different actors and on utilisation of information. This includes transport infrastructure and services as well as information, ICT and payment services in transport.

In the new thinking, users play an active role in planning the transport system and new services. The private sector has responsibility for innovations and service development, whereas the role of the public sector is to enable the change and favourable operating conditions.

The technological development that is simultaneously taking place in many sectors makes it possible to turn mobility into a service; wireless broadband, smart phones, other portable smart devices and location services have become more widely used and intelligent cars have entered the markets.