Third European Motorcyclists' Forum

The third European Motorcyclists' Forum, taking place in Brussels on 5 and 6 March 2014 features discussions on the essential road safety issues affecting motorcyclists, as vulnerable road users. Leading safety and ITS experts will join a panel discussion, ‘Setting the Scene’ on 5 March, moderated by Bernd Lange, Member of the European Parliament (S&D) and co-chair of the Forum for Automobile and Society. Discussions continue on 6 March and include: Motorcycling and ITS, a US perspective - Shane McLaugh
UTC / February 17, 2014
The third European Motorcyclists' Forum, taking place in Brussels on 5 and 6 March 2014 features discussions on the essential road safety issues affecting motorcyclists, as vulnerable road users.  Leading safety and ITS experts will join a panel discussion, ‘Setting the Scene’ on 5 March, moderated by Bernd Lange, Member of the European Parliament (S&D) and co-chair of the Forum for Automobile and Society.

Discussions continue on 6 March and include: Motorcycling and ITS, a US perspective - Shane McLaughlin, 5593 Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI); What are ICT/ ITS/ IVS for motorcycling?; Opportunities and Challenges; Research and data collection: needs and challenges; and What makes riding different from driving?

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